*luasupport.txt*                 Lua Support                    June 30 2007

Lua Support                                        *lua-support* *luasupport*

                              Plugin version 1.1
                        for Vim version 6.0 and above
                       Fritz Mehner  <>

lua-support.vim implements a Lua-IDE for Vim/gVim.  It is written to
considerably speed up writing code in a consistent style.  This is done by
inserting complete statements, comments, idioms, code snippets, templates and
comments.  Syntax checking and running a script can be done with a keystroke.
There are many additional hints and options which can improve speed and
comfort when writing Lua. Please read this documentation.

 1.      Usage with GUI                    |luasupport-usage-gvim|
 1.1      Menu 'Comments'                  |luasupport-comments|
 1.1.1     Append aligned comments         |luasupport-aligned-comm|
 1.1.2     Code to comment                 |luasupport-code-to-comm|
 1.1.3     Comment to code                 |luasupport-comm-to-code|
 1.1.4     Comment templates               |luasupport-comm-templates|
 1.1.5     KEYWORD + comment               |luasupport-comm-keywords|
 1.2      Menu 'Statements'                |luasupport-statements|
 1.2.1     Normal mode, insert mode        |luasupport-stat-norm-ins|
 1.2.2     Visual mode                     |luasupport-stat-visual|
 1.2.3     Code snippets                   |luasupport-stat-snippets|
 1.3      Menu 'Idioms'                    |luasupport-idioms|
 1.3.1      Stub subroutine                |luasupport-stub-sub|
 1.3.2      Opening files                  |luasupport-open-files|
 1.4      Menu 'Regex'                     |luasupport-regex|
 1.5      Menu 'Run'                       |luasupport-run|
 1.5.1     Run script                      |luasupport-run-script|
 1.5.2     Check syntax                    |luasupport-syntax-check|
 1.5.3     Command line arguments          |luasupport-cmdline-args|
 1.5.4     Hardcopy                        |luasupport-hardcopy|
 1.5.5     Xterm size                      |luasupport-xterm|
 1.5.6     Change Output Destination       |luasupport-output|
 1.6     Help                              |luasupport-help|
 2.      Usage without GUI                 |luasupport-usage-vim|
 3.      Hotkeys                           |luasupport-hotkeys|
 4.      Customization and configuration   |luasupport-customization|
 4.1      Files                            |luasupport-custom-files|
 4.2      Global variables                 |luasupport-custom-variables|
 4.3      The root menu                    |luasupport-custom-root|
 4.4      Tabulator width                  |luasupport-custom-tab|
 5.      Template files and tags           |luasupport-tempfiles|
 5.1      Template files                   |luasupport-tempfiles|
 5.2      Tags                             |luasupport-tags|
 6.      Lua Dictionary                    |luasupport-dictionary|
 7.      MS-Windows particularities        |luasupport-windows|
 8.      Troubleshooting                   |luasupport-troubleshooting|
 9.      Release Notes / Change Log        |luasupport-release-notes|

 How to add this help file to vim's help   |add-local-help|

1.  USAGE WITH GUI  (gVim)                             *luasupport-usage-gvim*

If the root menu 'Lua' is not visible call it with the entry
"Load Lua Support" from the standard Tools-menu.
The entry "Unload Lua Support" can be used to remove the Lua root menu.
See also |luasupport-custom-root|.

1.1 MENU 'Comments'                                      *luasupport-comments*

1.1.1 APPEND ALIGNED COMMENTS TO CONSECUTIVE LINES   *luasupport-aligned-comm*

In NORMAL MODE the menu entry
 'line end comment'
will append an empty comment to the current line.

In VISUAL MODE this entry will append aligned comments to all marked lines.
Marking the 3 lines

 print( "enter a number: " )
 a  ="*number")

 print( fact(a) )

and choosing 'line end comment' will yield

 print( "enter a number: " )                     -- |
 a  ="*number")                         --

 print( fact(a) )                                --

The cursor position above is marked by '|' . Empty lines will be ignored.

The default starting column is 49 ( = (8*6 or 4*12 or 2*24) + 1 ).  This can
be changed by setting a global variable in the file .vimrc , e.g. :

  let g:Lua_LineEndCommColDefault    = 45

The starting column can also be set by the menu entry 'Comments->set end comm.
col.' . Just position the cursor in an arbitrary column (column number is
shown in the Vim status line) and choose this menu entry.  This setting is
buffer related.

1.1.2 CODE TO COMMENT                                *luasupport-code-to-comm*

A marked block (4 lines)

 print( "enter a number: " )
 a  ="*number")

 print( fact(a) )

will be changed into

 --print( "enter a number: " )
 --a  ="*number")

 --print( fact(a) )

The menu entry works also for a single line. A single line needs not to be

1.1.3 COMMENT TO CODE                                *luasupport-comm-to-code*

A marked block

 --x = 2.5
 y = 3 + x^2
 --z = 4 + x^3

will be changed into

 x = 2.5
 y = 3 + x^2
 z = 4 + x^3

The menu entry works also for a single line. A single line needs not to be

1.1.4  COMMENT TEMPLATES                           *luasupport-comm-templates*

Frame comments, function descriptions and file header comments are read as
templates from the appropriate files (see |luasupport-tempfiles|).

1.1.5 KEYWORD+comment                               *luasupport-comm-keywords*

Preliminary line end comments to document (and find again) places where work
will be resumed shortly, like

   # :TODO:12.05.2006:Mn: <your comment>

Usually not meant for the final documentation.

1.2  MENU 'Statements'                                 *luasupport-statements*

1.2.1  NORMAL MODE, INSERT MODE.                    *luasupport-stat-norm-ins*

An empty statement will be inserted and properly indented. The entry
'if then end' will inserts an if-statement:

 if  then

1.2.2  VISUAL MODE.                                   *luasupport-stat-visual*

The highlighted area


can be surrounded by one of the following statements ( '|' marks the cursor
positon after insertion):

  |                            |                             |
  |       for | = , do         |       if | then             |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |       end                  |       else                  |
  |                            |       end                   |
  |                            |                             |
  |                            |                             |
  |       for | in  do         |       repeat                |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |       end                  |       until |               |
  |                            |                             |
  |                            |                             |
  |                            |                             |
  |       if | then            |       while | do            |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |           xxxxx            |           xxxxx             |
  |       end                  |       end                   |
  |                            |                             |
  |                            |                             |

The whole statement will be indented after insertion.

1.2.3  CODE SNIPPETS                                 *luasupport-stat-snippets*

Code snippets are pieces of code which are kept in separate files in a special
directory. File names are used to identify the snippets.  The snippet
directory has to be created by the user ( $HOME/.vim/lua-support/codesnippets is the
default).  Snippets are managed with the 3 entries

   Lua -> Statements -> read  code snippet
   Lua -> Statements -> write code snippet
   Lua -> Statements -> edit  code snippet

from the Statements submenu.

Creating a new snippet:

When nothing is marked, "write code snippet" will write the whole buffer
to a snippet file, otherwise the marked area will be written to a file.

Insert a snippet:

Select the appropriate file from the snippet directory ("read code snippet").
The inserted lines will be indented.

Indentation / no indentation

Code snippets are normally indented after insertion. To suppress indentation
add the file extension "ni" or "noindent" to the snippet file name, e.g.


There are some snippets belonging to this plugin package. These are examples.
Add your own.

1.3  MENU 'Idioms'                                         *luasupport-idioms*

1.3.1  STUB SUBROUTINE                                   *luasupport-stub-sub*

In normal mode the entry 'subroutine' asks for a subroutine name and creates a
stub subroutine:

 function xxx ()
 end  ----------  end of function xxx  ----------

In visual mode with a few lines marked this entry will enclose these lines in
a subroutine and generate a call to this subroutine. The lines


will be changed into

 function abc ()
 end  ----------  end of function abc  ----------

1.3.2  OPENING FILES                                   *luasupport-open-files*

The entries 'open input file' and 'open output file' ask for the
name of a file handle. After the insertion of the statements

 local INFILE_file_name = ''
 local INFILE = assert( INFILE_file_name, "r" ) )

 assert( io.close(INFILE) )

the 'Idioms'-menu will be extended with an entry for the new handle:


After the insertion of the statements for an output file the 'Idioms'-menu
will be extended by a new print statement for the new handle, e.g.


1.4  MENU 'Regex'                                           *luasupport-regex*

In NORMAL and INSERT MODE the items shown will be inserted at the cursor

In VISUAL MODE the following entries will surround the marked area 'xxx' :

    ()    :      (xxx)
    []    :      [xxx]

1.5  MENU 'Run'                                               *luasupport-run*

1.5.1  RUN SCRIPT                                      *luasupport-run-script*

Run the script in the current buffer.  The output destination can be chosen
with the menu entry 'Run->output: ...'.  There are 3 choices: VIM command
line, seperate output buffer and xterm (see |luasupport-output|).

1.5.2  CHECK SYNTAX                                  *luasupport-syntax-check*

The script is run as "luac -p  xxx.lua" to check the syntax.

Consider using maps like
  map  <silent> <F7>    <Esc>:cp<CR>
  map  <silent> <F8>    <Esc>:cn<CR>
in your .vimrc file to jump over the error locations and make navigation
easier (see also file customization.vimrc |luasupport-custom-files|).
The error list and the error locations in your source buffer will be

1.5.3  COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS                        *luasupport-cmdline-args*

The entry 'command line arguments' calls an input dialog which asks for
command line arguments. These arguments are forwarded to the script which
is run by the 'run' entry. The arguments are kept until you change them.
The arguments can contain pipes and redirections, e.g.
  " infile.txt | sort -rn > result.txt"

The arguments belong to the current buffer (that is, each buffer can have its
own arguments). The input dialog has a history.

If the buffer gets a new name with "save as" the arguments will now belong to
the buffer with the new name.

1.5.4 HARDCOPY                                           *luasupport-hardcopy*

Generates a PostScript file from the whole buffer or from a marked region.
On a MS-Windows system a printer dialog is displayed.

The print header contains date and time for the current locale. The definition
used is

  let s:Lua_Printheader = "%<%f%h%m%<  %=%{strftime('%x %X')}     Page %N"

The current locale can be overwritten by changing the language, e.g.

  :language C

or by setting a global variable in the file .vimrc , e.g. for German:

  let g:Lua_Printheader = "%<%f%h%m%<  %=%{strftime('%x %X')}     SEITE %N"

See :h printheader and :h strftime()  for more details.

1.5.5 XTERM SIZE                                            *luasupport-xterm*

The size of the xterm used  for running the script (below) can be set by this
menu entry. The default is 80 columns with 24 lines.
This feature is not available under MS-Windows.

1.5.6 CHANGE OUTPUT DESTINATION                            *luasupport-output*

Running a Lua script can be done in three ways:
(1) The script can be run from the command line as usual.
(2) The output can be directed into a window with name "Lua-Output".
    The buffer and its content will disappear when the window is closed and
    reused otherwise. If this window remains open it will be used for the next
    runs. If the script doesn't produce shell output the output window will
    not be opened (but you will see a message).
    There is no file behind the window Lua-Output but the content can be
    saved with a 'save as'.
(3) The script can be run in an xterm.

The output method can be chosen with the menu entry 'Run->output: ...'.
This menu has three states:

  output: VIM->buffer->xterm
  output: BUFFER->xterm->vim
  output: XTERM->vim->buffer

The first (uppercase) item shows the current method.  The default is 'vim'.
This can be changed by setting the variable g:Lua_OutputGvim to another value.
Possible values are 'vim', 'buffer' and 'xterm' .

Vim (non-GUI) : The output destination can be toggled between (1) and (2)
                using the hotkey \ro .

The xterm defaults can be set in .vimrc by the variable g:Lua_XtermDefaults .
The default is "-fa courier -fs 12 -geometry 80x24" :
  font name     : -fa courier
  font size     : -fs 12
  terminal size : -geometry 80x24
See 'xterm -help' for more options. Xterms are not available under MS-Windows.

1.6  'help'                                                  *luasupport-help*

The root menu entry 'help' shows this plugin help in a help window.  The help
tags must have been generated with
  :helptags ~/.vim/doc

2.  USAGE WITHOUT GUI  (Vim)                            *luasupport-usage-vim*

The frequently used constructs can be inserted with key mappings.  The
mappings are also described in the document lua-hot-keys.pdf (reference

Legend:  (i) insert mode, (n) normal mode, (v) visual mode

  -- Load / Unload Lua Support ------------

  \lls    Load Lua support menu
  \uls    unload lua Support Menu

  -- Help ----------------------------------

  \h       show plugin help (this file)

  -- Comments ------------------------------

  \cl      end-of-line comment                (n, v, i)
  \cj      adjust end-of-line comment         (n, v, i)
  \cs      set end-of-line column             (n)
  \cc      code -> comment                    (v)
  \co      comment -> code                    (v)
  \cb      comment block                      (n, v)
  \cub     uncomment block                    (n)
  \cfr     frame comment                      (n, i)
  \cfu     function description               (n, i)
  \ch      file header                        (n, i)
  \cd      date                               (n, i)
  \ct      date & time                        (n, i)
  \ckb     keyword comment BUG                (n)
  \ckc     keyword comment COMPILER           (n)
  \ckt     keyword comment TODO               (n)
  \ckr     keyword comment TRICKY             (n)
  \ckw     keyword comment WARNING            (n)
  \cko     keyword comm.   WORKAROUND         (n)
  \ckn     keyw.comm.      New Keyword        (n)

  -- Statements ----------------------------

  \sf      for do end                         (n, v, i)
  \sfi     for in do end                      (n, v, i)
  \si      if then end                        (n, v, i)
  \sie     if then else end                   (n, v, i)
  \sei     elseif then                        (n, i)
  \sr      repeat until                       (n, v, i)
  \sw      while do end                       (n, v, i)

  -- Idioms --------------------------------

  \if      function                           (n, v, i)
  \ip      print                              (n, v, i)
  \ifi     for k,v in pairs() do              (n, v, i)
  \ias     assert                             (n, v, i)
  \ii      open input file                    (n, i)
  \io      open output file                   (n, i)

  -- Snippets ------------------------------

  \sr      read snippet                       (n)
  \sw      write snippet                      (n, v)
  \sd      edit snippet                       (n)

  -- Run -----------------------------------

  \rr     update file, run script             (n)  see |luasupport-run-script|
  \rc     update file, check syntax           (n)  see |luasupport-syntax-check|
  \ra     set command line argument           (n)  see |luasupport-cmdline-args|
  \rm     run make                            (n)
  \rg     command line arguments for make     (n)
  \rh     hardcopy buffer                     (n, v)  see |luasupport-hardcopy|
  \rs     settings and hotkeys                (n)
  \rx     set xterm size (*)                  (n)  see |luasupport-xterm|
  \ro     change output destination           (n)  see |luasupport-output|

File lua-hot-keys.pdf contains a reference card for these key mappings.

Multi-line inserts and code snippets will be indented after insertion.

The hotkeys are defined in the file type plugin lua.vim (part of this
lua-support plugin package).

3.  HOTKEYS                                               *luasupport-hotkeys*

The following hotkeys are defined in normal, visual and insert mode:

     Alt-F9   run syntax check
    Ctrl-F9   run script
   Shift-F9   set command line arguments (buffer related)

These hotkeys are defined in the file type plugin ~/.vim/ftplugin/lua.vim .

Note for xterm users (Vim without GUI): The function key combinations
Shift-Fx, Alt-Fx and Ctrl-Fx do not work. F9 is also not working to prevent
unintentional use.  Use hotkeys instead |luasupport-usage-vim|.

4.  CUSTOMIZATION                                   *luasupport-customization*

4.1  FILES                                           *luasupport-custom-files*

README.luasupport         Installation,  release notes, files,  ...
ChangeLog                 The change log.

plugin/lua-support.vim    The Lua plugin for Vim/gVim.

ftplugin/lua.vim          A filetype plugin. Define hotkeys, create a local
                          dictionary for each Lua file.

doc/luasupport.txt        This help file for the local online help.

lua-support/templates/lua-file-header           -+-  Lua template files
lua-support/templates/lua-frame                  |   (see luasupport.txt)
lua-support/templates/lua-function-description   +

lua-support/codesnippets/*      Some Lua code snippets as a starting point.

lua-support/scripts/  The wrapper script for the use of an xterm.

lua-support/wordlists/lua.list  A file used as dictionary for automatic word
                                completion.  This file is referenced in the file
                                customization.vimrc .

-----------------------   -------------------------------------------------------------
-----------------------   The following files and extensions are for convenience only.
                          lua-support.vim will work without them.

rc/customization.gvimrc   Additional settings I use in  .gvimrc:
                            hot keys, mouse settings, ...
                          The file is commented. Append it to your .gvimrc if you like.

rc/customization.vimrc    Additional settings I use in  .vimrc:  incremental search,
                          tabstop, hot keys, font, use of dictionaries, ...
                          The file is commented. Append it to your .vimrc if you like.

doc/lua-hot-keys.pdf      Reference card for the key mappings.
                          The mappings can be used with the non-GUI Vim,
                          where the menus are not available.

4.2  GLOBAL VARIABLES                            *luasupport-custom-variables*

Several global variables are checked by the script to customize it:

global variable                default value                tag (see below)

g:Lua_AuthorName               ""                          |AUTHOR|
g:Lua_AuthorRef                ""                          |AUTHORREF|
g:Lua_Email                    ""                          |EMAIL|
g:Lua_Company                  ""                          |COMPANY|
g:Lua_Project                  ""                          |PROJECT|
g:Lua_CopyrightHolder          ""                          |COPYRIGHTHOLDER|

g:Lua_Template_Directory       plugin_dir.'lua-support/templates/'
g:Lua_Template_Lua_File        'lua-file-header'
g:Lua_Template_Frame           'lua-frame'
g:Lua_Template_Function        'lua-function-description'

g:Lua_CodeSnippets             plugin_dir.'codesnippets-lua/'
g:Lua_LoadMenus                'yes'
g:Lua_Dictionary_File          ''
g:Lua_Root                     '&Lua.'
g:Lua_MenuHeader               'yes'

g:Lua_OutputGvim               "vim"
g:Lua_XtermDefaults            "-fa courier -fs 12 -geometry 80x24"
g:Lua_LineEndCommColDefault    49
g:Lua_Printheader              "%<%f%h%m%<  %=%{strftime('%x %X')}     Page %N"

g:Lua_Compiler                 "luac"          (Unix/Linux)
                               "luac5.1.exe"   (MS-Windows)
g:Lua_Interpreter              "lua"           (Unix/Linux)
                               "lua5.1.exe"    (MS-Windows)

The variable root_dir will automatically be set to one of the following values:
  $HOME.'/.vim/'        for Linux/Unix
  $VIM.'/vimfiles/'     for MS-Windows

1. group: Defines the text which will be inserted for the tags when a template
          is read in (see also TEMPLATE FILES AND TAGS below).

          g:Lua_AuthorName      : author name
          g:Lua_AuthorRef       : author reference (e.g. acronym)
          g:Lua_Email           : email address
          g:Lua_Company         : name of the company / institution
          g:Lua_Project         : project
          g:Lua_CopyrightHolder : the copyright holder

2. group: Sets the template directory and the names of the template files (see below).

3. group: g:Lua_CodeSnippets    : The name of the code snippet directory (see below).
          g:Lua_LoadMenus       : Load menus and mappings ("yes", "no") at startup.
          g:Lua_Dictionary_File : Path and filename of the Lua word list used for
                                   dictionary completion (see below).
          g:Lua_Root            : The name of the root menu entry of this plugin
                                   (see below).
          g:Lua_MenuHeader      : Switch submenu titles on/off.

4. group: g:Lua_OutputGvim              : when script is running output goes to the vim
                                           command line ("vim"), to a buffer ("buffer")
                                           or to an xterm ("xterm").
          g:Lua_XtermDefaults           : the xterm defaults
          g:Lua_LineEndCommColDefault   : default starting column for line end comments
          g:Lua_Printheader             : hardcopy header format

To override the defaults add appropriate assignments to .vimrc .

Set at least some personal details into .vimrc by overriding some defaults.
Here the minimal personalization (my settings as an example, of course):

      let g:Lua_AuthorName      = 'Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner'
      let g:Lua_AuthorRef       = 'Mn'
      let g:Lua_Email           = ''
      let g:Lua_Company         = 'FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn'

4.3  THE ROOT MENU                                    *luasupport-custom-root*

The variable g:Lua_Root, if set (in .vimrc or in .gvimrc), gives the name of
the single gVim root menu entry in which the Lua submenus will be put.
The default is
Note the terminating dot. A single root menu entry is appropriate if the
screen is limited or several plugins are in use.

If set to "", this single root menu entry will not appear.  Now all submenus
are put into the gVim root menu. Nice for a Lua-only-programmer and Lua

4.4  Tabulator width                                   *luasupport-custom-tab*

A good choice for the tabulator width is 4. You can force this setting for all
files with file type 'lua' by uncommenting the two lines

  "setlocal tabstop=4
  "setlocal shiftwidth=4

in the file type plugin ~/.vim/ftplugin/lua.vim .

5.  TEMPLATE FILES AND TAGS                             *luasupport-tempfiles*


Four menu entries generate block comments:

    Lua -> Comments -> frame comment
    Lua -> Comments -> function description
    Lua -> Comments -> file header

The comments which will be inserted by these menu entries are read from
template files:

MENU ENTRY              FILE                          GLOBAL VARIABLE

frame comment           lua-frame                     g:Lua_Template_Frame
function description    lua-function-description      g:Lua_Template_Function
file header             lua-file-header               g:Lua_Template_Lua_File

The template files can be written or changed by the user to fulfill special
requirements (layout for a project or work group already exists, file headers /
blocks have to be prepared for a documentation tool, ... ).  They can hold not
only comments but a complete file skeleton if this is necessary.  So you may
want to lay out your own templates.

The templates belonging to this plugin package are suggestions. You may want
to create your own templates.

5.2  TAGS                                                    *luasupport-tags*

The comments in these files do not have to be personalized but they can.
The text can contain the following tags which are replaced by the appropriate
information when the file is read in:




Each tag can occur more than once. The tag |CURSOR| may appear only once.
The tag |CURSOR| will be the cursor position after the block is read in.
There is no need to use any of these tags, some or all can be missing.

The template files can actually be links pointing to existing templates.

6.  LUA DICTIONARY                                     *luasupport-dictionary*

The file  lua.list  contains words used as dictionary for automatic word
completion.  This feature is enabled by default. The default word list is


If you want to use an additional list MyLua.List put the following line into
 .vimrc :

  let g:Lua_Dictionary_File    =  "$HOME/.vim/lua-support/wordlists/lua.list,".
                              \   "$HOME/.vim/lua-support/wordlists/MyLua.List"

The right side is a comma separated list of files. Note the point at the end
of the first line (string concatenation) and the backslash in front of the
second line (continuation line).
You can use Vim's dictionary feature CTRL-X, CTRL-K (and CTRL-P, CTRL-N).

7.  MS-Windows PARTICULARITIES                            *luasupport-windows*

The plugins should go into the directory structure below the local
installation directory $HOME/.vim/ for LINUX/UNIX and $VIM/vimfiles/ for
The values of the two variables can be found from inside Vim:
   :echo $VIM
   :echo $HOME

Configuration files:

  LINUX/UNIX :   $HOME/.vimrc  and  $HOME/.gvimrc
  MS-Windows :   $VIM/_vimrc   and  $VIM/_gvimrc

8.  TROUBLESHOOTING                               *luasupport-troubleshooting*

* Lua script not executable from inside the editor.
  - Script executable from the command line ?
  - Lua installation correct ?
  - PATH variable correct ?
  - Script syntax correct ?
  - Necessary modules installed ?

* Some plugin features not present (e.g. hotkeys).
  - Does the file type plugin $HOME/.vim/ftplugin/lua.vim exist ?

* Some hotkeys do not work.
  - The hotkeys might be in use by your graphical desktop environment.
    Under KDE Ctrl-F9 is the hotkey which let you switch to the 9. desktop.
    The key settings can usually be redefined.

9.  RELEASE NOTES / CHANGELOG                        *luasupport-release-notes*

See files 'RADME.luasupport' and 'ChangeLog'.


Generated by vim2html on Mo 2. Jul 11:16:39 CEST 2007